Tuesday, March 11 2025, 12:45 - 1:45pm 101 LeConte Hall This installment of the History Department’s undergraduate lecture series is presented by Dr. Joseph Kellner who will explore the intriguing question, Did Jesus actually live in the 12th century? Dr. Kellner teaches Russian and Soviet history His forthcoming book, The Spirit of Socialism: Culture and Belief at the Soviet Collapse, is a cultural history of the collapse of the USSR, focused on the highly visible flourishing of radical spiritual movements and worldviews that emerged in Soviet cities at that time. The manuscript is comprised of four case studies, each examining problems that Soviet people faced, and the beliefs—esoteric or dogmatic, foreign or homespun, utopian or apocalyptic—that offered solutions. These histories speak to the nature of Soviet ideology, exposed as it unraveled, and to the common features of societies undergoing crisis. Students of all majors are welcome. Free pizza. This is an FYO event. flyer for history talk with Dr. Kellner March 11 at 12:45 pm, room 101 LeConte Hall (201.4 KB)